Saint John Vianney College Seminary
Saint John Vianney College Seminary is the largest college seminary in the United States, representing 18 dioceses throughout the nation with more than 100 undergraduate men in formation annually.

A Generous Response
SJV's vibrant and healthy formative environment equips men to faithfully respond to God's call with courage, conviction, and zeal.

Saint John Vianney College Seminary
Men in Christ.
Men of the Church.
Men for Others.
Established in 1968, SJV nurtures the seeds of a priestly vocation, preparing young men for major seminary through integral formation and discipleship in Christian character, a traditional Catholic program of spiritual growth, and a formative liberal arts education. Our seminarians are full-time University of St. Thomas undergraduate students who participate in campus life as it aligns with our mission.
More than 750 of our alumni are serving as ordained priests today.
Watch SJV Vocation Stories.