News & Events

Fr. Rocky Hosts Family Rosary Across America from SJV

We were honored and overjoyed to host Relevant Radio's Family Rosary Across America at our chapel on October 16.
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Welcoming the Sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta to SJV

We thank God for continuing to edify us through the gift of consecrated religious in our midst.
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An SJV Mother’s Vocation Story

How do parents manage the mix of emotions that accompany their son's discernment of a priestly vocation? Here's a story you won't want to miss from Mrs. Jennifer Sustacek, the mother of newly-ordained Fr. Ryan Sustacek (SJV 2020)!
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You Will Be My Witnesses: Father Mike Schmitz ’99

SJV had a conversation with Father Mike Schmitz '99 to hear how he is bringing beauty to and elevating the role of sacred art at the UMD Newman Center (Duluth, MN).
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You Will Be My Witnesses: Father Tom Milota ’88

SJV caught up with Father Tom Milota '88 to hear how he is bringing beauty to and elevating the role of sacred art in his parish, St. Petronille (Glen Ellyn, IL).
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