Our 39 new men have already made a big mark on SJV as the largest class in 10 years. These 29 freshmen and 10 transfer students hail from 13 dioceses across the country. Three join their brothers already in formation at SJV. And all have a uniquely unfolding vocation story, as these brief introductions will demonstrate.
Aidan Bellinger
Diocese of Lansing
-Favorite Saint: Thomas Aquinas
–Favorite fall food: Shepherd’s pie
–What drew me to SJV: Finding the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration and learning it is through consistent relationship that we find what He asks of us.
Zane Christianson
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
–Favorite Saint: Blessed Carlo Acutis (who I hope to be a Saint very soon!)
–Favorite fall food: Pie (especially at Thanksgiving)
–What drew me to SJV: The slight tug the Lord put in my heart when I was dating, and denying myself and my own desires to follow the Lord’s.
Thomas Clinton
Diocese of Sioux Falls
-Favorite Saint: Jude the Apostle
–Favorite fall food: Apple crisp
–What drew me to SJV: Eucharistic Adoration and some great priest mentors.
Matthew Critchell
Diocese of Grand Rapids
-Favorite Saint: Francis of Assisi
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: How nice everyone was when I came on the Vianney Visit last year.
Jacob Dillon
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saints: Thomas Aquinas and Francis of Assisi
–Favorite fall food: Thanksgiving dinner
–What drew me to SJV: Through my gifts in teaching others about God and how to live a life more oriented toward Him.
Peter Doty
Diocese of Sioux Falls
-Favorite Saint: Maximilian Kolbe
–Favorite fall food: Cranberry sauce
–What drew me to SJV: Serving my sister with special needs brought out my desire to serve Christ.
Owen Flanagan
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Maximilian Kolbe
–Favorite fall food: Apple crisp
–What drew me to SJV: The call from God and the communal life with 100 brothers praying, studying, and discerning alongside me.
Christopher Foote
Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
-Favorite Saint: Albertus Magnus
–Favorite fall food: My mother’s chili
–What drew me to SJV: Being near God at the altar and participating in the divine liturgy planted the desire for priesthood in my heart.
Christopher Gadacz
Diocese of Duluth
-Favorite Saint: Padre Pio
–Favorite fall food: Apple pie
–What drew me to SJV: Time spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
David Guyse
Diocese of St. Cloud
-Favorite Saint: Augustine
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: The call of the Lord and the desire to grow closer to Him while discerning the priesthood.
Henry Hart
Diocese of Lansing
-Favorite Saint: Wolfgang of Regensburg
–Favorite fall food: Stuffing
–What drew me to SJV: An almost overwhelming sense of peace.
Benjamin Heilig
Diocese of Lansing
-Favorite Saint: Thérèse of Lisieux
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin waffles
–What drew me to SJV: To grow in my relationship with God and discern this potential call to be a priest.
Thomas Hoving
Diocese of Lansing
-Favorite Saint: Maximilian Kolbe
–Favorite fall food: Homemade apple pie
–What drew me to SJV: I started altar serving when I was seven, loved serving the Mass, and thought becoming a priest was the coolest thing I could do.
Brice Jones
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
-Favorite Saint: The Blessed Virgin Mary
–Favorite fall food: Baked potato soup
–What drew me to SJV: The Lord placed a call on my heart, and I desired to follow that call.
Jeswin Joseph
St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Diocese of Chicago
-Favorite Saint: Mark Ji Tianxiang
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: Wanting to make Jesus the center of my life while also being able to serve Him. I fell in love with the lifestyle of a priest and seminarian.
Nathan Kavanaugh
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Dominic Savio
–Favorite fall food: Corn on the cob
–What drew me to SJV: My mom and her friends began telling 6-year-old me what a great priest I would make someday. Also, the amazing brotherhood at SJV.
Alexander Kennedy
Archdiocese of Omaha
-Favorite Saint: Francis of Assisi
–Favorite fall food: Chili and cinnamon rolls
–What drew me to SJV: God’s call to go deeper and the feeling He had a bigger plan for me.
Zach Klimek
Diocese of St. Cloud
-Favorite Saint: John the Baptist
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin muffins
–What drew me to SJV: God called me to seminary at spiritual conferences and through the people around me.
Jerome Konopa
Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
-Favorite Saint: Damien of Molokai
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin rolls
–What drew me to SJV: I was searching for something more than what the world could offer to me, and God was the only one that could satisfy that desire.
Ezra Kuznia
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Mary Magdalene
–Favorite fall food: Butternut squash soup
–What drew me to SJV: When I asked the Lord what He wanted, He replied, “All I want is for you to love Me.” Like St. Andrew, I dropped everything and followed Him.
Alexander Lara Becerra
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: José Sánchez del Río
–Favorite fall food: Pozole Verde
–What drew me to SJV: The Lord called me to discern his priesthood, and SJV is the place to do that.
Micah Lehnen
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: John Paul II
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: Many joyful and holy priests whose examples have inspired me to serve selflessly in whatever way He might be calling me.
Jeremiah Lewis
Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
-Favorite Saint: Thomas Aquinas
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: The desire to grow in my relationship with God, work for the salvation of souls, and be an Alter Christus for Holy Mother Church.
Lui Matos
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Louis Marie de Montfort
–Favorite fall food: Apple crisp
–What drew me to SJV: The phenomenal brotherhood and intentional community. After serving with NET Ministries, I really recognized the importance of community.
Landon McHaffie
Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
-Favorite Saint: Maximilian Kolbe
–Favorite fall food: Hot apple cider
–What drew me to SJV: A restlessness in my heart placed there by God to pursue a deeper discernment of the priesthood.
Mark Musgrave III
Diocese of Grand Rapids
-Favorite Saint: John Paul II
–Favorite fall food: Dad’s homemade seasoned pumpkin seeds
–What drew me to SJV: Deep down, I just knew coming to Saint John Vianney was something I had to do. Thank you, Jesus! Sempre Avanti!
Matthew Muttonen
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: John Vianney
–Favorite fall food: Corn pudding
–What drew me to SJV: The example of St. John Vianney, most especially through his role as my confirmation saint.
John Nicklaus
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: John Paul II
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: The example of University of Mary Chaplain Fr. Dominic Bouck ‘12 encouraged me to pray seriously about God’s plan which led me here to SJV.
Luke Norton
Diocese of Grand Rapids
-Favorite Saint: John Vianney
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: I have always loved to be close to the Eucharist. I desire to share this love with others and, if God wills it, bring the Eucharist to others.
Reilly O’Donohue
Diocese of Lansing
-Favorite Saint: Thomas Aquinas
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: Falling in love with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As I sat before Him every day, I began to know Him and know what He wanted for me.
Maximilian Peterson
Diocese of Rockford
-Favorite Saint: Bl. Chiara ‘Luce’ Badano
–Favorite fall food: Butternut squash soup
–What drew me to SJV: In 4th grade, I met priests who lived prayerful lives of immense joy and peace. I’ve longed for this priestly life and the next step of seminary.
Michael Regnier
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Thérèse of Lisieux
–Favorite fall food: Meatloaf
–What drew me to SJV: I have a question, and this is the place God can answer it.
John Rockers
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
-Favorite Saint: John the Beloved
–Favorite fall food: Apple crisp
–What drew me to SJV: The Lord’s love for me. The Cross beckons a response, and mine is to give Him my life.
Michael Rossini
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
-Favorite Saint: Joseph
–Favorite fall food: Apple crisp
–What drew me to SJV: I felt God’s call after I consecrated myself to Mary in high school.
Payton Russman
Diocese of Grand Rapids
-Favorite Saint: Augustine
–Favorite fall food: Chicken
–What drew me to SJV: There is no better way to discern your vocation than to do so with 107 other guys, so I know SJV is the right spot for me.
Alan Sebastian
St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Diocese of Chicago
-Favorite Saints: John the Beloved, Paul, Athanasius, John of Damascene, Mother Mary, and Jude
–Favorite fall food: Apple pie
–What drew me to SJV: To become a priest and live a life of holiness because God is real.
Evan Sondgeroth
Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
-Favorite Saint: Thérèse of Lisieux
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin pie
–What drew me to SJV: Being in Eucharistic Adoration. Whenever I was there, I always knew I was to go to seminary.
Mark Steck
Diocese of Gaylord
-Favorite Saint: Ignatius of Loyola
–Favorite fall food: Pumpkin doughnuts
–What drew me to SJV: Reading and participating in the “Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola” and my pastor preaching about vocations often.
Benjamin Ulin
Diocese of Sioux Falls
-Favorite Saint: John the Beloved
–Favorite fall food: Hot pumpkin spice lattes
–What drew me to SJV: Falling in love with the beauty of the liturgy through serving frequently at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Sioux Falls.