As I have grown in my own spiritual life and confidence in the call to Holy Orders, there has been an increase in my desire to make a definitive commitment to God. I am looking forward to making that commitment to love God by serving his Church as a Deacon at Diaconate Ordination!
How did SJV prepare you for this next step?
The formation and fraternity at SJV helped me enter a deeper relationship with Christ, grow in Christian discipleship, and strengthen my identity as a beloved son of the Father. Following an invitation into Holy Orders is only possible if it stems from a genuine relationship with God.
Favorite Scripture Verse?
John 21:7 – “That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his clothes, for he was stripped for work, and sprang into the sea.” I love this Bible verse because it captures my desire not only to recognize Christ in my day, but also the willingness to drop everything to follow him.
Alumni Ordination Feature: Gerald Thornton ’20
Meet Gerald Thornton (SJV ’20) from the Diocese of Sioux Falls!
Most looking forward to about Diaconate Ordination?
Please pray for JP as he prepares for Diaconate Ordination on May 30, 2024 and for all of our alumni who will be ordained this spring!