Biggest anticipated part of Ordination Day?
The new shared intimacy with Christ in His Priesthood.
The new shared intimacy with Christ in His Priesthood.
Most looking forward to in the Priesthood?
Hearing confessions. I so desire to meet people in the darkest parts of their hearts and give them hope through God’s love and Mercy.
Hearing confessions. I so desire to meet people in the darkest parts of their hearts and give them hope through God’s love and Mercy.
What do you miss the most from SJV?
The fraternity and friendships.
The fraternity and friendships.
Currently reading?
Deus Caritas Est by Pope Benedict XVI
Deus Caritas Est by Pope Benedict XVI
How did SJV prepare you for what’s coming next?
SJV taught me how to pray well. For this gift, I am forever grateful.
SJV taught me how to pray well. For this gift, I am forever grateful.
Favorite part of summer?
Sitting around a campfire in good company.
Sitting around a campfire in good company.
Please pray for Deacon Baker as he prepares for Presbyteral Ordination on June 1, 2024 and for all of our alumni who will be ordained this spring!