Alumni Ordination Feature: Deacon Alexander Rasset ’20

Meet Deacon Alexander Rasset (SJV ’20) from the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis!
Biggest anticipated part of Ordination Day?
In addition to receiving the grace of the Sacrament, I am excited to offer priestly blessings throughout the day. I’m honored and humbled that the Lord wants to bless his people through me!
Most looking forward to in the Priesthood?
To be in a parish and start forming relationships with the people the Lord will place in my path. 
What do you miss the most from SJV?
All of the brothers I got to know so well. It was such a gift to be a part of that community.
Currently reading?
“Sophia House” by Michael O’Brien. I’ve been really blessed and moved by all of O’Brien’s novels and am enjoying this one so far too.
How did SJV prepare you for what’s coming next?
SJV really helped me to receive the Lord’s love and to know who I am in His eyes. This relationship that the Lord has given me with Himself is the foundation for the upcoming ministry he is leading me into. 
Favorite part of spring?
The plants! I am so excited to see everything come back to life after the winter. I am also eager to move my houseplants outside for the summer and watch them thrive. 
Please pray for Deacon Rasset as he prepares for Presbyteral Ordination on May 25, 2024 and for all of our alumni who will be ordained this spring!
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